In general, the warranty card indicates the warranty period of the goods. The warranty card is included in the packaging of the goods. If you can't find your warranty information, you can contact the seller. Brand product usually have warranty and you will get the warranty card in the package you received. Usually those products have local after sale center.

Goods shipped from oversea usually don't have warranty except some seller put a warranty info on product details.

If your product warranty is valid, it offers protection against defects in manufacturer defects, related to mechanical or electrical systems, and materials. In such cases, the manufacturer got the repair cost covered - you don't have to worry.

If your products don't have warranty, for example phones, computers and consumer electronics, they should be serviced at the respective brand service center.

Warranties do not cover damage to products caused by accident, misuse and abuse, modification, attempted repair, negligence after purchase, ordinary wear and tear, and/or failure to follow the product’s maintenance advice provided in the user’s manual or warranty card. 

since warranty was covered by seller/Brand company, Kilimall will not accept any returns for repair. Please contact seller or the service center or refer to the contact list of service care, the repair time and repair fee will be confirmed by service center. 
We also humblely request you to return the product with original package as well as all accessories & gift & warranty card(if has) & all documents that service center requested including your contact & receipt address VIA the 3rd courier directly which will save you time. At same time, if you have any problem when contacting seller, pls let us know. 
Refer to the courier G4S/SPEEDAF's contact:
G4S -
Email - 
contact - 0703011000 

Speedaf -
Email -
Contact - 0741000888