Dear customer, thank you for purchasing our home appliances. In order to make your shopping experience pleasant, from 1st Apr, 2023, please understand the following:

  1. We recommend that you measure it in advance so that it can be placed in your loving home. If you change your mind, we offer a 7-day free return or exchange (new packaging must be sealed; order postage will not be refunded). If the returned package is damaged, you will be responsible for the packing charge.
  1. When signing, you can take the initiative to ask for unpacking to check whether the goods are damaged. If you find any problems, please reject them immediately or launch an after-sales application to upload the problem photo within 24 hours.
  1. If there are any quality issues with the product within the first 7 days, we will provide free return and exchange; if more than 7 days have passed and the product is still under warranty, the repair service will be provided by the brand service center; please contact the merchant or shop owner for confirmation. 

We also suggest you to keep you product package at least 30 days for better protection of returning product. 

Product Package Price Reference: 

Package TypesmallMiddleBigGreat
Max Package Price(Ksh.)2005009001500